- Our Mission -
Share God's Love
Welcome. We're glad you found us!The people of Faith welcome you to the church where God is still speaking, and we are doing our best to listen! God's extravagant love teaches us to extend an extravagant welcome to all God's people and to offer many different ways to express that love in worship, learning and service. No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. In addition to Sunday worship services, we offer Elephant Eaters - Mission Priorities group, with a different mission emphasis each month, fund-raising projects, good music, great fellowship and participation in Lenten Soup Supper and services with other local churches. Office Hours: Joe By Appointment Secretary Wednesdays - 10 am - 1pm Members of the congregation and friends are always welcome to stop by and visit during office hours! |
Worship Schedule:Sunday at 11:15 am
Please join us for coffee before the service.
1001 5th Street
International Falls, MN 56649 218-283-2486 Minister Joe Belanger
Cell phone 218-240-4484 Joe’s email [email protected] Church email [email protected] Website www.faithuccifalls.org Faith United Church, UCC Mailing Address 1001 5th Street I. Falls, MN 56649 Office phone (218) 283-2486 |